Monday, March 30, 2009

Beware! Stepmom bragging!

I have to say that I'm a pretty proud momma...make that stepmomma! B's artwork was on display at the public library this month. He's VERY talented and we would like to see him pursue this area. Of course, his music teacher just boosted his confidence by saying how quickly he picked up and how well he plays the recorder. She thinks we need to pursue that route....yikes, baseball has just begun so I think we'll wait until July to pursue these talents. Stepmomma can only handle one sport per child at the moment!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Lucky One

Have you read this book?
If not, then I suggest you do soon! I could not put it down once I started. The yucky weather this weekend was perfect for curling up on the couch with a blanket and getting lost in the world of Beth and Thibault. Beth has a very wicked ex-husband and Thibault is as mysterious, yet dreamy as they come. I even felt for Ben who despised going to spend time with his father. Maybe it's the fact that I love all of Nicholas Sparks' books or a simple coincidence that I wanted a distraction from my own drama with the puppetmaster, but regardless The Lucky One is a must read!

Monday, March 23, 2009

A day in my life...will it ever end?

I've been absent for awhile and thought I'd let you all in on my schedule so you understand why.

5:30 Alarm goes off (hit snooze five or six times),
Get up and feed the dog and cats, eat breakfast, catch the weather on the six o'clock news.
6:15 Have to be in the shower by then or my man is not happy because he needs to shower and be out of the house by 7:15
6:45 Get B up and in the shower
7:00 Make sure Gman is up and getting dressed (not messing with the dog, cats, or anything else for that matter!)
Somewhere in here make sure everybody is ready to go out the door (including me!)
7:30 Head out the door to take boys to school, then head to my school
8:20-1:45 classes at one school
2:00 Head to the next school
3:30 Head to the boys' school to pick up Gman
4 or 4:30 Pick up B from tutoring
Homework, dinner, bath for Gman, walk dog, get my school work done, and clean up the house

I have been absolutely exhausted! I feel like the running never ends and to top it all off Gman has NOT been behaving. This sweet child has been cursing at school, being impulsive on the playground, and VERY disrespectful to his teacher. He told his teacher last week that if he acts up enough Dad and I would send him back to live with the puppetmaster. I don't think so, buddy! I have family reading night that I'm in charge of tomorrow night and have to work the book fair Thursday night. All I really wanna do is drink! I love baseball season, but can you imagine how much more that is going to add???!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I win, I win!

I don't think my man reads this, so I have to rub this in!

First of all, I better explain how the weekend started. We had to throw another Friday the thirteenth in there for the second time this year, and for the second time this year the puppet master actually picked up the boys! This allowed my man to join me at the teacher's meeting (happy hour), but then of course we stayed longer than I intended! You see, I had a whole list of things to do to get ready for my Tastefully Simple show that was a whole day event on Saturday and I didn't get started on it until after 8pm. My man had invited people over to play poker on Saturday night before he was aware (or remembered because I had informed him!) of my event. I don't always play, but my friend had hired a sitter so she could come with her husband. Saturday was a good day, but a long one and I was tired by the time I got home and put my business stuff away. I like poker, but get bored quickly if I'm not getting good hands and didn't think I would last long. My stack kept getting smaller and smaller, but then I beat my hubby. He was so mad! I stayed in until the end and he even had to buy back in a couple of times!

I win, I win!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Guess she's over it....

So I have a list of work to be doing right now, but checked my email instead. On the comcast sign in page under showbiz buzz, they have this headline: 'Bachelor' Star Dancing? Click this link to find out more:

I wasn't planning on watching tonight, but I guess work will be put off again!

Friday, March 6, 2009


It's a gorgeous day outside! It's my plan time and I can hear the kids playing outside the library window....I might just leave for lunch and not come back! I have just thrown my 12th Dr. Seuss birthday party and have three more to go. I love my job, but it's Friday!!!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


It's a never ending story......

Got home late due to meeting after school...sit down to wouldn't cooperate on walk..friend stopped by the house...had to run to store...make dessert to take to friend's tomorrow night...dishes were calling my name...boys had to be bathed and put to bed...

...needless to say, I didn't sit down to work until almost 9!

Here it is almost 11 and I'm still sitting on the couch. However, instead of working I'm blogging! The timer just clicked the light next to me off and the dog is drooling on my lap as she snores quite loudly...think it's time to turn my mind off and head to bed. Definately easier said than done when timelines are drawing closer!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A new day!

I've been absent for awhile and it was a rough week and a half! I'm not sure if I'm going to blog about all of it yet. My mind is in a place where I want to move forward and have life get back to normal. The ER visit this past weekend was a blessing (as stubborn as I was in fighting with my husband about going) and was a way to put things behind me.

I took yesterday off to get checked by the doctor and cleared to return to work. I knew that I needed to slow down today, but couldn't wait to get back. My friend Tierney made my day by sending me these! Wonderful friends make my day!
Can you tell I'm tired and a little sore? I forgot to turn the picture and I'm not going to mess with it!