Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas with good friends...

It has almost been a week, but that's better than my track record for posting things lately!

Last Tuesday, we celebrated Christmas with friends that have pretty much become family over the last three years...
Mary was my student teacher in the fall of 2007 and was able to take my position when I moved to the library.
She was Gman's teacher last year.
Matt is Gman's teacher this year.
I love their children as my own and I have a feeling they have a special place in their hearts for my kiddos!
I would call on these friends for anything.....

Doesn't Reese just look like she knows that these two would do anything for her?
Reese picked out a cub's clock for my hubby. He says it is going on the mantle...we shall see..

B gets to spend some quality time w/Mary at InnKeeper's & Dick Blick! I love that he is smiling!

I'd say gifts were a hit!

She cracks me up!

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