Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Best wishes.....& prayers

So I said I would post about my stepbrother's wedding and things have just been crazy. It was a BEAUTIFUL, yet simple wedding. They were married at Luthy Botanical Gardens in Peoria. My husband commented to my grandmother that he was overwhelmed by my big family at first, especially since I'm so close to my stepfamily. I don't often refer to my stepbrothers as that, they are my brothers. I'm so excited to call Jill my sister in law! Here are a few pics from the gorgeous day.

Also, those of you who are close to me know that my stepmom's father (my stepgrandfather) is in the hospital and not doing well. I felt well enough to run to the hospital last night and the emotions from losing my grandmother a year ago came rushing back. I just want to make everything better for him. Please keep him in your prayers!

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